GPT revealed it to the world AI was all about perception natural language
understanding computer vision speech recognition it's all about perception and
detection this was the first time the world saw a generative.AI It produced
tokens one token at a time and those tokens were words some of the tokens of
course could now be images or charts tables songs words speech videos
You can learn physics you could teach an AI model physics the AI model could learn the meaning of physics and it can generate physics
is really important is this this computer that started out as a supercomputer
has now evolved into a Data Center and it produces one thing. It produces
tokens, it's an AI Factory ,this AI Factory is generating creating producing
something of Great Value a new commodity in the late. 1890s Nicola Tesla
invented an AC generator we invented an AI generator the AC generator generated
electrons. Nvidia's AI generator generates tokens both of these things have
large Market opportunities it's completely fungible in almost every industry
and that's why it is a new Industrial Revolution.
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